Where people are spending more during the pandemic

In my last post, I talked about areas we’ve been saving money during this pandemic. And it’s been a silver lining to a stressful and uncertain time.

That being said, there are definitely areas where most of us are spending more money as well. Here are the main areas that I think people have been spending more money:

  1. Snacks
  2. Streaming services
  3. Video games
  4. Impulse comfort shopping

1. Snacks

I have definitely been spending more money on snacks in the past month than I did before! And asking around, I’m definitely not the only one.  Snacks are one of the few pleasures we can have safely and easily these days – and they’re something to look forward to after a long day.  So I’ve definitely been spending more on snacks – and also treating myself by buying better quality snacks as well!

2. Streaming services

We have two streaming services in our house – Netflix and Disney+.  That’s enough entertainment for the three of us, but I guarantee if we didn’t have any streaming services when the shut down started, we would have definitely ordered a few! On the day my son’s camp shut down with no notice, I was so happy that “Frozen 2” had just dropped on Disney+ so we’d have a nice treat to enjoy together. We’ve certainly gotten our money’s worth out of both our streaming services.

3. Video games

I held off buying a Nintendo Switch this year and I wish I hadn’t. Gaming systems were flying off the shelves as soon the shut down started – and I still can’t find a Nintendo Switch unless I’m willing to pay a ridiculous amount of money for it  I’ve treated myself instead to a few Xbox 360 games as well as one on Steam. It’s a nice escape into a fantasy world where you don’t have to worry about germs, masks, or hand sanitizer!

4. Impulse shopping

Amazon has been recording record profits. Now a lot of this is from people not wanting to leave their homes – and therefore buying more essentials via Amazon. But I’m sure a lot of people have been throwing things into their carts as well that they don’t really need.  I normally never buy books, but since the library has closed, I’ve bought a few online.

The Takeaway

Depending on where you are and what your needs are you may have found yourself saving more money or perhaps spending more. I think overall we’ve saved more than we spent – at least I hope so!  What have been your pandemic “treats” to yourself?