The FIVE magic words that save you money

I bet you’re thinking – come on, how could FIVE words save me money? Someone is trying too hard to justify their English degree! 😛

In all seriousness though – here are the five magic words that can save you money. They are – USE UP WHAT YOU HAVE.

One more time – that’s USE UP WHAT YOU HAVE!  If you use what you already have – then you aren’t spending money to buy new stuff!  And you aren’t wasting money throwing out things that have expired, gotten freezer-burned etc.

I know, I know – it seems too easy. But obviously it isn’t – or we’d all be doing it. So I’m going to outline a three-step process to help you use up what you have:

  1. Take stock of what you have
  2. Make a list
  3. Remember to use the lists!

1. Take stock of what you have

A lot of us end the holidays with more food than we need (particularly sweets and treats) and often extra bath and body products too (they’re a very popular secret Santa gift!).  So, without further ado, you need to go through all of the following places and take stock of what you have:

  • Kitchen cupboards
  • Fridge
  • Freezer
  • Deep Freeze
  • All bathroom cupboards
  • Anywhere else you store surplus items!

While you’re there, throw out anything that’s expired or leaking (and can’t be saved – i.e. don’t save a leaking tin can, but you could save a leaking shampoo bottle).

All done? Tidied up and amazed at how much you have? Now you’re ready for step 2!

2. Make a list

That’s right – you’ve got to write down what you have and put the list somewhere you’ll see it. You can take one of two approaches:

1. A master list, which lists all extra items – everything from toilet paper to mustard.

2. Separate lists – for each storage space. So you’d have a list in the bathroom for items stored under the counter, a list on the freezer for items stored there, etc.

Or if you’re really ambitious – you could do a master list and separate lists! The main post of these lists is to make sure you know what you have, and that you can easily take stock of it before you go shopping. So the only “right” method is the one that works for you!

Now you’re ready for step 3.

3. Using the lists

No point in making the list (or lists!) if you’re not going to remember to refer to them. I keep a running list each week of items we need to get when we go grocery shopping. It’s right on the fridge – so it’s easy to keep up to date, and easy to refer to.  You may find that keeping your list on the side of the fridge works best for you – or you may like to keep them on your phone.  The main thing is to keep the list(s) in a spot that you’ll be sure to remember to check them before you go shopping!

You’re all set!

You’ve now learned the five magic words to saving yourself money – USE UP WHAT YOU HAVE! You start by taking stock, then make a list, then refer to that list before you go shopping! It’s so easy – and you can get started right now!