Why our New Year’s resolutions will be less expensive this year

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Normally, one of the biggest things people pledge to do for New Year’s is to start eating right and exercising. So they sign up for expensive gym memberships and fancy weight loss programs and then frequently stop committing to both within a month or two.

The good news is that we can’t waste our money on stuff we won’t use this time. Most of Canada is in lockdown in one form or another, so you can’t sign up for the gym, and you can’t go buy expensive shakes and other weight-loss concoctions you really don’t need.

The good news is that if you do really want to lose weight and exercise you can still do it – just without spending a lot of extra money.


The easiest exercise to do is right outside your front door – just put on your boots and go! If you don’t feel safe going out because it’s icy, you can walk in place in your house, or go up and down the stairs.

And there are tons of Youtube videos and programs that show you how to use your body weight to do strength training.

Always remember, the right exercise program is one you stick to! Being able to exercise from the comfort of your own home with objects you have around the house (like soup cans!) makes it easier to stick to being active.  Even if you start with a few minutes a day, it’s a step in the right direction!

Eating Right

Like exercise – it’s not that we don’t know how to eat right – we’re just not too great about sticking to it.  Eating properly doesn’t have to be expensive – it just takes a bit of planning.  Unless you’re really good at it, sticking to a type of eating that cuts out one or more types of food entirely (e.g. carbs) may not be a great route. It’s better to plan a balanced diet with some room for treats.

There are also lots of free calorie counting apps you can use to quickly and easily see what your calorie intake should be if you want to lose weight. You can also use the app to log your calories each day to keep on track.

The Takeaway

You can still achieve your New Year’s goals in regards to exercise and eating right – without spending a fortune.  Dust off some fitness equipment you already own or put on some boots and go outside!   You can choose in seasons vegetables and cheap protein (like beans) to make filling and healthy meals – batch cooking is a great way to save time and money.

How do you plan to eat well or exercise without spending a lot?