4 lessons we’ve all learned during the pandemic

One thing I can say for sure is that we’ve all been spending a lot more time on our own or with just our family members for the past few months. I think it’s been a challenging adjustment for everyone, but we’ve definitely learned a few things. Here are four lessons I’ve learned during the pandemic:

  1. What I can do without
  2. How to share
  3. That it’s important to buy local
  4. What really matters

1. What I can do without

I’ve learned that I can do without a lot. Before, I took things for granted – that I could buy whatever I need whenever I needed it. That if I wanted a new book and didn’t want to buy it, I’d just go to the library to get it.  If I felt like picking up dinner or going to the movies, I could.  Now, I can do most of those things again – but it takes a little more planning.

2. How to share

I was lucky enough to pick up 1 container of Lysol wipes in mid-March. The limit was one per customer. Fortunately, it was a big container so I could share it with my parents. I’m so lucky I found it as they were sold out for months after that!

3. It’s important to buy local

I think I’ve always taken it for granted that someone would buy local – just not necessarily me! I’ve realized how critical it is to support local businesses as they don’t have the cash flow to sustain themselves over the long run if anything goes wrong – unlike big box stores. Plus they are part of the community and more likely to give back. So I’ve tried to focus on small businesses more over the past few months.

4. What really matters

I’ve come to appreciate how lucky I am to have a flexible job, and that I can be safe at home to work and take care of my son. I’ve also come to really appreciate my back yard! I didn’t use it much before COVID-19, but it’s been so nice to have somewhere to go that I could be outside and not worry about masks or physical distancing.

The Takeaway

I’ve learned a lot over the past few months – and how to focus on what is and isn’t important. It’s amazing how much we all take for granted until it’s suddenly taken away.

What’s something you’ve learned?